
Available configuration for resource.

CFG = {}
CFG.FRAMEWORK = 'qb' -- 'qb', 'esx', 'qbx' or false
CFG.DISPATCH = 'custom' -- 'ps-dispatch', 'cd_dispatch', 'custom' or false
CFG.INVENTORY = 'qb' -- 'qb', 'esx', 'ox', 'qs' or false
CFG.TARGET = false -- 'qb', 'ox' or false
CFG.NOTIFY = 'ox' -- 'qb', 'esx', 'default'
CFG.PROGRESS_BAR = 'ox' -- 'qb', 'ox'
    enable_alert = true, -- enable calling cops
    alert_cooldown = 300, -- seconds
    dig_timer = {from = 5, to = 10}, -- from X to X seconds
    zombie = {
        enabled = true,
        skin = `u_m_y_zombie_01`,
        chance = 10 -- % chance to spawn zombie
    seller = {
        enabled = true,
        skin = `u_m_y_zombie_01`,
        pos = vector4(-1684.79, -291.44, 50.89, 150.0),
        items = { -- valid items to sell
            -- item name, price per one
            ['bone'] = 100, 
            ['foot'] = 100,
            ['arm'] = 100,
    progressbar = {
            if you want to use scenario
            set dict, anim to nil
        scenario = nil, 
        dict = 'random@burial', anim = 'a_burial', flags = 1,
        prop = {
            model = 'prop_tool_shovel2',
            bone = 28422,
            pos = {x = -0.01, y = -0.07, z = -0.91},
            rot = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},
    max_item_amount = 2, -- how many unique items u can get from one grave
    rewards = { -- drop chance, amount of item
        [1] = {item = 'bone', percentage = 85, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [2] = {item = 'foot', percentage = 76, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [3] = {item = 'arm', percentage = 75, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [4] = {item = 'goldchain', percentage = 31, from = 1, to = 2}, -- %
        [5] = {item = 'rubber', percentage = 32, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [6] = {item = 'metalscrap', percentage = 33, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [7] = {item = 'plastic', percentage = 34, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [8] = {item = 'aluminum', percentage = 37, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [9] = {item = 'copper', percentage = 36, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [10] = {item = 'steel', percentage = 35, from = 3, to = 5}, -- %
        [11] = {item = 'pistol_ammo', percentage = 21, from = 1, to = 2}, -- %
        [12] = {item = 'smg_ammo', percentage = 20, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [13] = {item = 'weapon_poolcue', percentage = 13, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [14] = {item = 'handcuffs', percentage = 11, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [15] = {item = 'weapon_combatpistol', percentage = 5, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [16] = {item = 'trojan_usb', percentage = 4, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
        [17] = {item = 'electronickit', percentage = 1, from = 1, to = 1}, -- %
    blip = {
        enabled = true,
        name = 'Cemetery',
        pos = vec3(-1723.24, -191.85, 57.64),
        scale = 1.0,
        color = 0,
        sprite = 310
    cooldown = 10, -- seconds, grave cooldown after robbing
    graves = {
        [1] = {
            coords = vector4(-1759.03, -202.35, 56.66, 320.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [2] = {
            coords = vector4(-1756.84, -203.99, 56.80, 315.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [3] = {
            coords = vector4(-1753.28, -207.07, 56.90, 322.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [4] = {
            coords = vector4(-1748.33, -216.99, 56.03, 339.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [5] = {
            coords = vector4(-1753.04, -214.39, 56.24, 330.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [6] = {
            coords = vector4(-1759.25, -210.00, 56.14, 319.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [7] = {
            coords = vector4(-1765.13, -211.97, 55.08, 315.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [8] = {
            coords = vector4(-1762.35, -214.60, 55.16, 318.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [9] = {
            coords = vector4(-1753.67, -221.39, 55.10, 330.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [10] = {
            coords = vector4(-1749.40, -223.55, 55.03, 342.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [11] = {
            coords = vector4(-1746.04, -224.91, 55.12, 347.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [12] = {
            coords = vector4(-1742.28, -225.81, 55.45, 356.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0,  -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [13] = {
            coords = vector4(-1743.74, -233.21, 54.29, 354.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [14] = {
            coords = vector4(-1748.23, -232.67, 53.96, 351.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [15] = {
            coords = vector4(-1756.74, -228.86, 54.00, 336.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [16] = {
            coords = vector4(-1762.26, -225.81, 53.90, 327.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only 
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [17] = {
            coords = vector4(-1765.96, -223.67, 53.74, 325.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [18] = {
            coords = vector4(-1768.02, -221.67, 53.75, 311.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [19] = {
            coords = vector4(-1769.80, -219.32, 53.69, 313.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [20] = {
            coords = vector4(-1776.00, -220.08, 53.24, 311.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [21] = {
            coords = vector4(-1769.78, -226.04, 53.28, 323.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [21] = {
            coords = vector4(-1763.74, -229.71, 53.39, 330.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only 
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [22] = {
            coords = vector4(-1758.78, -232.16, 53.48, 342.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [23] = {
            coords = vector4(-1798.98, -208.32, 52.91, 300.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only 
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [24] = {
            coords = vector4(-1794.82, -213.93, 52.49, 299.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [25] = {
            coords = vector4(-1789.88, -212.74, 52.56, 303.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only 
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [26] = {
            coords = vector4(-1793.82, -207.22, 53.13, 302.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only 
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [27] = {
            coords = vector4(-1781.53, -205.00, 54.25, 316.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [28] = {
            coords = vector4(-1785.09, -202.49, 54.53, 36.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [29] = {
            coords = vector4(-1779.59, -200.25, 55.60, 59.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
        [30] = {
            coords = vector4(-1768.76, -193.29, 56.80, 309.0),
            length = 3.0, width = 2.0, -- qb target only
            size = vec3(2, 2, 3), -- ox target only
            debugPoly = false -- draws debug box
    NoItems = "You don't have any items to sell..",
    SellItems = "Sell Bones",
    SoldItems = "You sold all your bones/arms/foots for %i$",
    Robbed = 'This grave was already robbed.',
    Digging = 'Digging grave..',
    EyeAction = 'Rob Grave',
    TextAction = '~g~[E] ~w~- Start digging grave',
    SellAction = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ sell items.',
    UseShovel = "You need to use shovel first.",
    ZombieEating = 'Zombie is eating you!',
-- IF YOU USING ESX then you need to add these items to your database/inventory... 
CFG.QBCoreItems = { -- these items will be added automatically into item list for QB/QBX users
    ["shovel"] = {
        ["name"] = "shovel", ["label"] = "Shovel", ["weight"] = 5000, ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "shovel.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Digging Shovel"
    ["bone"] = {
        ["name"] = "bone", ["label"] = "Bone", ["weight"] = 20, ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "bone.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A Dirty Old Bone"
    ["foot"] = {
        ["name"] = "foot", ["label"] = "A Foot", ["weight"] = 20, ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "foot.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Whos foot is this?"
    ["arm"] = {
        ["name"] = "arm", ["label"] = "Arm Bones", ["weight"] = 20, ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "arm.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "An Entire Arm?"

Last updated