
Available configuration for script.

CFG = {}

CFG.FRAMEWORK = 'qb' -- 'qb', 'qbx', 'esx'
CFG.INVENTORY = 'qb' -- 'qb', 'ox', 'qs', 'ps', 'lj'
CFG.NOTIFY = 'ox' -- 'qb', 'esx', 'ox', 'default'
CFG.TARGET = 'qb' -- 'qb', 'ox'

    admin_groups = {
    admin_command = 'checkstorages',
    checking_data = 10, -- every 10 min.,, handles saving and deletation of expired storages

    min_dist_between_crates = 5.0, -- minimal distance between storages
    max_dist_for_placing = 5.0, -- max distance of storage from player to place it

    increase_lifetime = 1 * 86400, -- one day
    max_lifetime = 10 * 86400, -- ten days

    lifetime_item = false, -- any item name, example -> 'wood'
    decoy_item = false, -- any item name, example -> 'decoy'
    destroy_item = false, -- any item name, example -> 'hammer'

    -- zones that have disabled placing of storages
    restricted_zones = {
        -- radius and position x y z

        { radius = 50.0, pos = vector3(448.6, -988.75, 30.69) }, -- mrpd
        -- { radius = 50.0, pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }, -- example

    crates = {
        storage_1 = { -- item name
            lifetime = 1 * 86400, -- 1 day

            model = `gr_prop_gr_rsply_crate03a`,
            distance = 1.35,

            size = { slots = 15, weight = 50000 },
            duration = {
                destroy = 1000,
                decoy = 1000,
                increase_lifetime = 1000,

        storage_2 = { -- item name
            lifetime = 1 * 86400, -- 1 day

            model = `prop_box_wood07a`,
            distance = 1.35,

            size = { slots = 30, weight = 150000 },

            duration = {
                destroy = 1000,
                decoy = 1000,
                increase_lifetime = 1000,

        storage_3 = { -- item name
            lifetime = 1 * 86400, -- 1 day

            model = `prop_container_03mb`,
            distance = 1.35,

            size = { slots = 150, weight = 1000000 },

            duration = {
                destroy = 1000,
                decoy = 1000,
                increase_lifetime = 1000,

    hint_e = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to ~g~place~w~ storage.\nPress ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_CANCEL~ to ~r~cancel~w~ placing.\nPress ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_LEFT~ to ~y~rotate~w~ left.\nPress ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_RIGHT~ to ~b~rotate~w~ right.',

    restricted_zone = "This zone is restricted from placing storages.",
    too_far = "You can't place it that far from you....",
    too_close = "You can't place it that close to another storage...",
    canceled = "Placing storage was canceled.",
    placed = 'Storage was placed.',

    set_decoy = "Decoy storage was set, don't open it!!!",
    already_decoy = 'Storage is set as decoy already.',
    setting_decoy = 'Setting storage as decoy...',

    insert_pin = 'Insert pin',
    pin_set = 'Pin was set.',
    pin_removed = 'Pin was removed.',
    wrong_pin = 'You entered wrong pin...',

    destroying = 'Destroying storage...',
    increasing_lt = 'Increasing lifetime...',

    expire_at = "You storage will expire: %s.%s.%s at %s:%s",

    increase_lifetime = 'Lifetime was increased.',
    max_lifetime_reached = "Lifetime limit was reached.",

    no_item = "You missing item for this action.",
    no_storages = "There isn't created any storage units.",

    dialog_header = 'Hey!',
    dialog_msg = 'Are you sure you want to destroy this storage?  \nAll items will be lost by doing that!',

    dialog_header2 = "Hey!",
    dialog_msg2 = "Are you sure you wanna do that?  \nYou can't change it!",

    -- admin menu
    header = 'Storages',
    title = 'Storage #',
    manage_storage = 'Manage Storage',
    open_storage = 'Open Storage',
    teleport = 'Teleport',
    delete_storage = 'Delete Storage',
    back = 'Go Back',
    owner_id = 'Owner ID',
    unique_id = 'Unique ID',
    coords = 'Coords',
    expire = 'Expire',

    -- target --
    open = 'Open storage',
    set_pin = 'Set pincode',
    destroy = 'Destroy',
    check_lifetime = 'Check lifetime',
    increase_lifetime2 = 'Increase lifetime',
    set_as_decoy = 'Set as decoy',

Last updated