
Available configuration for resource.

CFG = {}


	lang = 'en', -- 'en'
	notify = 'ox', -- 'ox', 'qb', 'esx', 'native'

	-- -- list of controls
	controls = {
		aim = {
			attack = 38, -- E
			go = 47 -- G
		cam = { -- camera keys
			up =  172,
			down = 173,
			cancel = 177, -- ESC, BACKSPACE, RIGHT CLICK
			zoomUp = 241, -- scroll up
			zoomDown = 242 -- scroll down
	menu = {
		type = 'ox', -- 'ox', 'menuv', 'war'

		-- 'menuv' uses: topright (default), topleft, bottomright, bottomleft
		-- 'ox' uses: top-right (default), top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left
		-- 'war' doesn't have any settings yet...
		pos = 'top-right', 

		-- these settings are only for MenuV
		size = 'size-125', -- menu size
		colour = { r = 250, g = 20, b = 60 }, --
		banner = 'none', -- 'none', 'default', 'default_native'
		banner_text = false, -- 'TEXT'

	restrictions = {
			- put this into your server cfg and edit identifier to yours

			add_ace k9 k9 allow
			add_principal identifier.license:830e0a2add6393cf28f45474dbf6ac4577f0652a k9 #sheen
		use_ace_perms = false, -- true / false

			- Keep in mind that ACE perms and badger_discord_api don't work together, 
			- badger_discord is always prioritized before ace_perms if it's enabled...
		badger_discord = {
			enable = false, -- true/false
			roles = {
				-- id of role from your discord
				['907104457018449941'] = true,

			- jobs and grades that have access to k9 menu
			- it's disabled if ace perms or badger_discord_api are enabled
		jobs = {
			-- job name, grade numbers
			['police'] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, 

	lvl_system = {
		disable = true, -- true/false - if true then dog will always follow your orders, you will don't receive any XP/LVLS
		xp_per_action = {from = 5, to = 20}, -- randomised

		levels = {
			-- u can add unlimited levels
			-- xp = what XP you need to have to reach this lvl
			-- Fail = percentage/chance of dog to fail to comply (actions, searching, tracking etc)
			-- tracking_speed = how fast is gonna follow the track, from 1.0 to 5.0
			-- tackle_chance = percentage/chance to tackle player while attacking (only if tackle is enabled)

			[1] = { xp = 0, Fail = 30, tracking_speed = 1.0, tackle_chance = 10 },
			[2] = { xp = 150, Fail = 20, tracking_speed = 2.0, tackle_chance = 20 },
			[3] = { xp = 350, Fail = 10, tracking_speed = 3.0, tackle_chance = 30 },
			[4] = { xp = 800, Fail = 5, tracking_speed = 4.0, tackle_chance = 30 },
			[5] = { xp = 1500, Fail = 0, tracking_speed = 5.0, tackle_chance = 30 },

	-- you can lower this value if you want decrease damage of K9
	-- keep in mind that it will be set for all animals that are able to attack
	-- FYI, if player has 100 HP or lower, he will get instakilled automatically, thats how the game works
	damage_modifier = 1.0, -- default is 1.0, min 0.01 - max 1.0,,, i personally suggest 0.7
	-- if false then headshot will deal same damage as any other body shots
	insta_headshot = true, -- true/false

	max_dogs = 3, -- max registered dogs per character
	blip = true, -- creates blip for k9 on the map

	tackle = {
		enable = true, -- true or false to disable
		chance = 30, -- this value is used only if level system is disabled
		type = 2 -- 1 = animation, 2 = ragdoll

	speeding = { -- changes base speed of dog
		enable = false, -- true or false to disable
		value = 1.5 -- minimal 1.0, max 2.0

	delete_dog = { -- delete dog if
		dog_dead = false, -- if u want to use this option, then disable saving of health and armor below
		owner_dead = false 

	vehicle_entering = {
		-- If you set it to true it will let the dog enter the vehicles with more realistic animations
		-- This feature is still in BETA phase, it works but sometimes other players can see it desynced
		new = true,
		vans = { -- some van vehicles, so it will switch animation of entering, keep in mind that this script was intended for small regular vehicles so the van entering is not perfect
			[`rumpo`] = true, [`rumpo2`] = true,
			[`speedo`] = true, [`speedo2`] = true,
			[`speedo3`] = true, [`policet`] = true

	spawn_areas = {
		-- With this feature you will restrict everyone to spawn/despawn dog anywhere but in certain areas.
		enable = false, -- true / false
		require_house = false, -- cops will need to spawn dog house in the area first, it will also spawn the dog inside of the house
		areas = {
			{radius = 30.0, coords = vector3(432.3, -981.64, 30.71)}, -- area 1
			-- {radius = 30.0, coords = vector3(432.3, -981.64, 30.71)}, -- example

	camera = {
		disable = false, -- true = disables camera options

		-- required item for mounting camera, add the item by yourself
		-- you can make it false if you don't wanna use it
		item = false, -- 'k9_camera' 

		-- new options coming soon... sooon.... soooon...

	tracking = {
		radius = 75.0, -- units, smell radius
		speed = 1.0, -- dog following track speed, from 1.0 to 5.0, this value is used if you are not using LVL SYSTEM
		cooldown = 3 -- minutes, make it 0 for removing cooldown
	search = {
			- if you want to use advanced searching you need to use code provided from documentation
			- true = means it will search all vehicle trunks and gloveboxes
			- false = it will search vehicles that are owned by players
		advanced = false,

		all_weapons = true, -- true/false, it will automatically add all items that start with 'weapon' word to the list so you don't have to add them
		items = { -- items that can be found by the dog

			-- 'item_name', 'type' (item types are below)
			thermite = 'explosives',
			weed_brick = 'drugs',
			-- add more here

			!!! FOR EVERYONE !!!
			If you are standalone (without framework/inventory), it will generate random type if search was successful.
			If you using supported scripts, it assigns item type to items from above.
		item_types = {
			explosives = 'Smells like explosives...',
			drugs = 'Smells like drugs...',
			-- add other types here

			weapons = 'Smells like weapon...', -- only if all_weapons = true

		-- duration of searching player/npc
		search_time = 3, -- seconds

		-- what happens if dog finds something
		onSuccess = 'bark', -- 'bark', 'sit', 'laydown' or make it false to do nothing

		-- player settings
		player = {
			chance = 30, -- % this parameter is used only if you are not using any framework/inventory

		-- vehicle settings
		vehicle = {
			open_doors = true, -- open all doors while searching vehicle

			-- chance to find something illegal in the vehicle
			chance = 30, -- % this parameter is used only if you are not using any framework/inventory

		-- npc settings
		npc = {
			chance = 30, -- % chance to find something ilegall

			onSuccess = { -- if your dog finds ilegal items, npc could flee from the scene
				flee = {
					enabled = true, -- true / false
					chance = 30, -- % chance to flee
					attack = true, -- should dog attack if npc tries to flee (if u using lvl system, it still depends on chances from each lvl)
			onFail = { -- if dog doesnt find anything ilegal
				walk_away = true, -- send npc to walk away

	status = {
		-- new registered dog spawns automatically with maxHealth
		-- fyi if dog has 100 hp or lower, he always get killed after one shot... that's how the game works xd
		-- u can set any max values
		maxHealth = 200,
		maxArmor = 100,
			true = it will don't save these values into database, 
			so players are able to respawn their dog through menu without reviving option
		disable_hp_and_armor_saving = false, 
		heal = {
			revive_timer = 3, -- reviving dog
			timer = 3, -- applying bandage
			amount = {from = 10, to = 25}, -- how much hp will be added to dog
			item = 'bandage',
		armor = {
			timer = 3,
			amount = {from = 10, to = 25}, -- how much armor will be added to dog
			item = 'armor',
		feed = {
			prop = `v_res_mbowl`, -- object
			item = 'water_bottle', -- item that is required
			-- thirst and hunger gets decreased every 10 seconds
			-- min 0.0, max 1.0
			thirst = { from = 0.1, to = 0.3 },
			hunger = { from = 0.1, to = 0.3 },
			warning = 20, -- warns player if thirst/hunger is under x %
			get_damaged = true, -- true/false - if dog is hungry/thirsty it will slowly decrease health
			-- dog will be forced to pee / poo 
			-- he'll do the action after getting fed 2-3x times
			peeing = true, pooping = true

	dogs = {
		-- Only these dog models i found can attack
		-- label and spawn name
		['Shepherd'] = `a_c_shepherd`,
		['Rottweiler'] = `a_c_rottweiler`,
		['Chop'] = `a_c_chop`,

	binding_system = { -- fivem keybinding system
		enable = true, -- true/false
		commands = {
				- three parameters -
					command is name of command from the list below
					key is primary key for triggering
					label is showed in FiveM keybinds as description for bind

				- list of usable keys

			[1] = { command = 'k9', key = 'K', label = 'Open K9 Menu' }, -- binding command k9 to K key (example)
			-- [2] = { command = 'k9animations', key = 'L', label = 'Open K9 Animations' },

	commands = {
			- code_name and name of command
			- change only name of command if you need to!

		disable = false, -- true = disable all commands

		-- main
		['register_dog'] = 'k9register',
		['reselect'] = 'k9reselect',
		['main_menu'] = 'k9',
		['save_dog'] = 'k9save',
		['check_dog'] = 'k9check',
		['spawn'] = 'k9spawn',
		['animations'] = 'k9animations',

		-- actions
		['follow'] = 'k9follow',
		['lead'] = 'k9lead',
		['vehicle'] = 'k9vehicle',
		['ball'] = 'k9ball',
		['fetch'] = 'k9fetch',
		['search_player'] = 'k9searchped',
		['search_car'] = 'k9searchcar',
		['feed'] = 'k9feed',
		['heal'] = 'k9heal',
		['armor'] = 'k9armor',
		['carry'] = 'k9carry',
		['track'] = 'k9trackall',
		['track_player'] = 'k9trackplayer',

		-- camera
		['toggle_camera'] = 'k9camera',
		['mount_camera'] = 'k9mount',

		-- anim commands
		['sit'] = 'k9sit',
		['laydown'] = 'k9laydown',
		['bark'] = 'k9bark',

		-- delete k9
		['delete'] = 'k9delete'

	animations = {
			1 = repeat animation
			2 = stop on last frame of animation
			0 = normal

		[1] = {
			name = "Sit",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@tricks@", anim = "sit_enter", flags = 2,
		[2] = {
			name = "Lay Down / Get Up",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@sleep_in_kennel@", anim = "sleep_in_kennel", flags = 2,
		[3] = {
			name = "Bark",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_barking@idle_a", anim = "idle_a", flags = 1,
		[4] = {
			name = "Indication",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@indication@", anim = "indicate_high", flags = 1,
		[5] = {
			name = "Sniff",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@indication@", anim = "indicate_low", flags = 2,
		[6] = {
			name = "Beg",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@tricks@", anim = "beg_enter", flags = 2,
		[7] = {
			name = "Gimme Paw",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@tricks@", anim = "paw_right_enter", flags = 2,
		[8] = {
			name = "Petting",
			dict = "creatures@rottweiler@tricks@", anim = "petting_chop", flags = 2,

	-- TODO -- -- TODO -- -- TODO -- -- TODO -- -- TODO -- -- TODO --
		shop = {
			enable = true,

			npc = {
				skin = `s_m_y_cop_01`,
				pos = vec4(455.3849, -990.3512, 42.6916, 271.3181),
				scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_COP_IDLES' --

			header = 'K9 SHOP',
			items = {
					label = 'House',
					description = 'Place house for your dog buddy.',
					icon = 'fa-house',

					item = 'dog_house',
					price = 0,
					label = 'Camera',
					description = 'Mount bodycam and watch his perspective.',
					icon = 'fa-camera',

					item = 'dog_camera',
					price = 0,
					label = 'GPS',
					description = 'Never lose location of your doggie.',
					icon = 'fa-location-dot',

					item = 'dog_gps',
					price = 0,
					label = 'Food',
					description = "Give him some snacks, he's hungry!",
					icon = 'fa-bone',

					item = 'water_bottle',
					price = 0,
					label = 'Leash',
					description = "Take him for the walk.",
					icon = 'fa-dog',

					item = 'dog_leash',
					price = 0,

Last updated