
How to install the resource completely.


Resource detects supported framework, inventory, dispatch and doorlock scripts automatically.

  1. Put script into your resources folder, doesn't matter where...

  2. Make sure that script is starting after:

    • your framework (if you using one... qb-core, qbx_core, es_extended, ND_Core)

    • inventory system (if you using one... qb, lj, ps, qs, ox)

    • target system (if you using one... qb, ox)

    • ox_lib

  3. Customise sh-heists/shared/config.lua file to your liking

  4. If you using qbx_core framework, head to sh-heists/fxmanifest.lua file and uncomment line 10

  5. Use game build 2699 or higher (i personally suggest always the last one, 3095)

    • Example code from my server.cfg ->

      set sv_enforceGameBuild 3095
  6. Minimal server artifact must be 5181 or higher.

  7. Restart Server

  8. Enjoy

Premade Heists Installation

  • Information

    • You don't have to use any of those heists and you can create your own if you want.

      • How to remove them: Just delete all (or certain) folders at sh-heists/data

    • All items in those heists are from QBCore item list, so if you don't have them, then you can just add them or edit all config files to items you want to use.

      • Used Items: 'trojan_usb', 'electronickit', 'thermite', 'gatecrack', 'markedbills', 'goldbar', 'drill', 'gold_ring', 'diamond_ring', 'goldchain', 'diamond_necklace', 'coke_small_brick', 'screwdriverset'

    • Certain heists using IPLs from the game, so make sure you using some IPL loader like bob74_ipl

  • Humane Labs

    • Install humanelabsdoor resource, it will make the main garage opened, so it's not bugging out NPCs.

    • qb-doorlocks - You need to place the code from below into your doorlock script

    • ox_doorlock - Sadly i can't create doorlocks for those, because the IDs are generating in your database and could be different than mine, so you will have to create them manully and insert them into sh-heists/data/humanelabs/shared.lua

-- first 
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-first'] = {
    doorType = 'double',
    distance = 1,
    doors = {
        {objName = -421709054, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3599.868896, 3719.375488, 29.839624)},
        {objName = 1282049587, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3601.999756, 3717.883545, 29.839624)}
    doorRate = 1.0,
    locked = true,
    authorizedJobs = { ['police'] = 0 },

-- second 
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-second'] = {
    locked = true,
    distance = 2,
    doors = {
        {objName = 1282049587, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3586.289795, 3699.454590, 28.971439)},
        {objName = -421709054, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3584.158936, 3700.946533, 28.971439)}
    authorizedJobs = { ['police'] = 0 },
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'double',

-- third 
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-third'] = {
    locked = true,
    distance = 2,
    doors = {
        {objName = -421709054, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3596.380615, 3690.468506, 28.971624)},
        {objName = 1282049587, objYaw = 324.99993896484, objCoords = vec3(3598.511475, 3688.976562, 28.971624)}
    authorizedJobs = { ['police'] = 0 },
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'double',

-- fourth 
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-fourth'] = {
    locked = true,
    distance = 2,
    doors = {
        {objName = 1282049587, objYaw = 260.0, objCoords = vec3(3568.709473, 3693.308838, 28.271549)},
        {objName = -421709054, objYaw = 260.0, objCoords = vec3(3569.161133, 3695.870361, 28.271549)}
    authorizedJobs = { ['police'] = 0 },
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'double',

-- fifth 
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-fifth'] = {
    locked = true,
    distance = 1,
    doors = {
        {objName = 1282049587, objYaw = 260.0, objCoords = vec3(3544.806885, 3643.996338, 28.271835)},
        {objName = -421709054, objYaw = 260.0, objCoords = vec3(3545.258545, 3646.557861, 28.271835)}
    doorRate = 1.0,
    doorType = 'double',

-- sixth
Config.DoorList['humanelabs-sixth'] = {
    objName = 161378502,
    fixText = false,
    objYaw = 260.15814208984,
    doorRate = 1.0,
    distance = 1,
    locked = false,
    objCoords = vec3(3557.553223, 3669.194092, 27.121582),
    doorType = 'sliding',
  • Fleeca Banks

    • qb-doorlocks - If you using default fleeca interiors then your doorlock script should already have them, so you don't need to add them anywhere

    • ox_doorlock - Same reason from above, just insert the doorlocks into correct configuration files.

Last updated